
Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Blogging: The Public Lie

I've discovered something about blogs that I'm contemplating writing a paper on.

Blogs are not free speech.

I'm not going to blog that my boss sux if I want to keep my job. I'm not going to blog that my authoritarian government needs to be brought down if I want to keep what little freedoms I have left. I'm not going to blog that my sister is the most awful person in my life if I have to see her every Thanksgiving.

Erving Goffman, in The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life, talks about the many faces we wear all the time. The blog is a public face. The blog is the equivalent of what the President of the United States says on TV from a prepared speech that has been picked over by many writers and editors.

The blog is propaganda, not Truth.


  • Yes, it's free speech. It's the consequences that aren't.


    By Blogger Wardo, at 2:22 PM  

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